We’re on a roll. Just days after opening the doors for Emply the job ads posting service we launched Talentag. It’s a facebook app that lets you pay compliments to co-workers or friends in form of nice badges. For instance I could say that Veli in our team is the greatest designer in the world, or I could say he’s helpful. As SocialTimes puts it:
There’s always the chance that this app will go the way of the spammy virtual badges like Pass a Drink. But if the app is used as it’s intended, it could be a nice, quick way to see where your strengths are and to let friends and coworkers know theirs. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up and see that your project manager thinks you’re ultra Creative?
So Talentag will help to understand who’s who on Facebook from professional point of view. Think of it as fitting LinkedIn into Facebook. As such it nicely complements the Emply offering. In the future highly rated Talentag users can opt in to receive job offers from Emp.ly advertisers, or they can choose to earn rewards for finding suitable job offers for their friends.
We’ve been live for a couple of days: number of badges sent has been nicely increasing, there’s been positive feedback and some useful observations. Please keep the feedback coming either as comments here or on Twitter.